Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Desire, is a strange phenomenon.

For a desire to exist it has to be unattainable,

unachievable or else it can’t exist.

Its very nature is such.

Lao Tzu says something very amazing yet very simple about desire,

He simply says, “ all desires are wrong.”

There r some interesting explanations I read about the same.

All desires are wrong, and what do religious people do.

They also create a desire in you to be moral, good n stuff like that.

U mite wonder what is wrong in that?

There certainly is, the worst thing U can do to God is make him a desire,

U cant want to attain God, n that is where religions are going wrong.

They create strong desires in you to attain heaven and all that, they say Ull find immortal beauties in heaven, there is no point running behind the beauties on this earth, the ones in heaven never grow old n stuff like that. They say everything is better in heaven n all that, n make ur desires very strong, but its so so lame.

It’s the same thing.

Here U are hung up in desires of becoming rich, famous, an ambition , career, good husband / wife n all that., in their world U want to be like God.

Both ways U are a wanna be.

thanQ lao Tzu..

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