Wednesday, October 17, 2007

bored to death

Bored to death.

I used to think that its death and not sex and other stuff that drives our lives, but now-a-days, I feel its boredom.

We humans are bored to death creatures, so bored that we need to kill time some way or the other. Mind you, no other living creature is bored except us.

What are we, a bunch of bored to deaths souls, who have nothing better to do in life,

I am repeating the lines again and again to emphasize the point.

But there is a very strong catch with boredom, a lot of things turn out because of it. We are bored, so to kill time we keep on trying and end up discovering a lotta new things.

Moreover we come to the cosmic questions,

  1. who are we?
  2. why are we here?
  3. why me and not anyone else? And stuff like that.

Its this boredom that acts a catalyst when we seek answers. It is this boredom that takes us to a point where in there is so much discontent that we are forced to try, to take the leap.

Boredom otherwise is a lame activity, but if given a proper channel can prove to be the biggest gift to mankind, and in a way this is what separates us from all other animals.


Rohit Rajdev said...

I guess, it must be the boredom that propmpted you to think this deep and write this article. But I strongly disagree with you becuase if when you say "We humans are bored to death creatures, so bored that we need to kill time some way or the other. Mind you, no other living creature is bored except us."
we made the time to kill by inventing things that would make our live easier "boredom" yea people who are lazy are creatures of boredom, but not everyone is alike..people are so busy these days that they don't ahve time to eat properly, let alone be 2 cents.

Puppet said...

This is because we now are moving from the second phase of economic cycle to the third phase. Every nation goes through 3 economic cycles. The first one is when the demand is much more than supply, chaos is the notion and survival the main motive. Healtcare and educational facilities are not worth mentioning. Death rate is high and population is very controlled due to high death as well as birth rate. The second one is there is economic growth and vast scale industrialization. The demand and supply are neck to neck.Population grows very rapidly....death rate controlled due to betterment of health facilities......India actually entered this phase sometime around the 90s.....Then is the third phase when supply is more than the demand the population growth is not there and population goes into recession......the boredom phase....economic stability and the state managing the bad patches.

madman said...


thanks ., i had read abt it somewhere or i guess U told me this pehle bhi.,
now i recollect it..
n that is why ther is this mall shoppin syndrome amongst the workin class..