Sunday, October 07, 2007

ask ., cuz no one else will

Ru an attention seeker.?

The form be any.,

Ask this to yourself everyday, n just see the variety of answers U get.,

At times U wud get justifications how this is not something to seek attention n all n its wat U are, ( authenticity I mean ) and in the mean while U end realizing a lot about yourself, U get to know yourself better.

Moreover this also helps in dissolving the ego, though the process is slow, but It kinda works.

U do something and the moment U realize it was simply to seek attention, it gets tough to repeat the same, at times a lotta things in our routine are nothing but attention seeking activities, it just that we have been doing them unconsciously for so long that we tend to take them for real.


Puppet said...

You know what everytime I ask myself the question, rarely let me assure you that...the answer I get is yes I am an attention seeker....the fact of the matter is thazt i want to be one..... As Jim once said "If you cannot be famous, be infamous" or some other wise-crack said "Its better to be looked upon for being weird than to be looked over...."

madman said...

2 puppet:

honesty my fren is the key,
the trick is not fake urself.,

its more like wat osho said once.,
U can get married for the social good n all that., but dont make it ugly..