Wednesday, November 07, 2007


belief is the biggest sign of ignorance

(P.S: dont believe me )


Unknown said...

on the contrary, every belief is based on knowledge and experience...beliefs change with increase in knowledge held and experience acquired in life!!!

madman said...

every belief is based on knowledge and experience

this line is not conceivable, when U have experienced something, there is no question of believing it, U simply know it.

beliefs,most of them come from lack of experience or else they would be called experiences n not beliefs

Priyanka Mahanta said...

BELIEF is the beginning of TRUST. If u don't believe, u don't trust. If u don't trust, u don't feel any pain when the trust is broken. But if there is no pain, how wud u know what happiness is all about? SO, BELIEVE. Even if it makes u feel ignorant. U'll atleast evolve a wiser person in the end....

madman said...

2 priyanka:

did U miss the sarcasm in th post

madman said...

2 priyanka:
now wud U like to suggest that nikhil needs a life too :P

Priyanka Mahanta Pandiyan said...

No, dude. I didn't miss the sarcasm, but maybe surely the 'point'. And btw, I don't tell things which r so pretty obvious.(about Nikhil friend of yours getting a life)

madman said...

I don't tell things which r so pretty obvious.(about Nikhil friend of yours getting a life)

acting smart or U like that only :p