Tuesday, September 23, 2008

there is no unbiased opinion, 
here is the sweet part.,

for the in-experienced there is a slight miniscule tiny bit of a chance. 

for the experienced one, no chance in hell


Usha. said...

yes. there is no such thing as a "selfless good deed". as a necessary corollary,no unbiased opinion.

madman said...

fren joey eh!
he is the best..

ansh said...

miniscule tiny bit of a chance.

i had heard abt the term "microscopic"... this makes it "nanoscopic"

now t bitter part...

for t in-experienced if it is unbiased it'll b a guess not an opinion...

nd thr r experienced ppl with unbiased opinions...sad part is u have met such ppl yet don't realize...