Sunday, March 23, 2008


its privilege and not special privilege..


The Constant Critic said...

didnt know which blog to post this info on so doing it on*
hey madman..
okay i dont know much about the deadlines and all of these colleges, but the institutes which offer a decen course in journo are IIMC delhi, Asian college of journalism in chennai, IIJNM bangalore, Xavier institute of communication in bombay, SIMC pune but the admissions there are already over, the is Sophiya's colg in mumbai but they have a social communication course and i dont know what all do they teach with ref to journalism.
then there is Manorama school of comm. in kottayam, kerela.these is as far as i know!
hope it helps...
take care!

madman said...

thanks a ton again..

fangchu said...

she's hot.
she's very hot!!!