Friday, December 07, 2007


Wat is the dream of all dreams.,
Wat is the real dreams.
The one in which U realize that ur in a dream.,

N the tricky part is till U don’t realize ur dreaming, the moment U do so, it ends.

The mind is a piece of lame shit,
U dream tonight,
Then get up in the morning realizing that it was just a dream n nothing to be serious off n all that. N Ur very sure that it was not for real and just a dream.
and when U have another dream U simply forget , Ur mind forgets that it’s a dream n its unreal n U fall in the trap again.

The dream is a trap of the mind.

But there is this set of dreams , “ wet dreams”
Which r very amazing in the way that they initiate something , they cause ejaculation which in real life U cant do without hands,
I was zapped wen I realized this..

orgasm is of the mind n not just the body.
i had read this is in a book somewhere that the reason why orgasm is bliss cuz U forget about the partition of the mind, U forget the existence of two parts of the brain, the gap is bridged..

wen I read all this n think about it, I feel the mind yearns a lot for orgasm, it just loves it too much, the only reason it takes such short spans is cuz the orgasm is a threat to the mind's existence itself..


fightamonkey said...

u reading Interpretation of dreams???

madman said...

2 sid:

as of now no, but do U see a need?

Unknown said...

someday u might wake up to realise that the world u lived in and the life u lived was a dream

madman said...

is that a new theory??

Unknown said...

:O u r hearing it for the first time! booo hoo :P